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A member registered May 30, 2018

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You're welcome :D

To make you feel better. I donated a 1.00$       : D

I was a little over reacting with the whole "Quit the game", I have quit like once, but a few minutes later I tried again.
(The game is addicting :D ) Sorry if you got sad or anything, didn't mean to be harsh :c. Those are the only bugs I found so far. I'll keep trying to find more. 

If you go over the  spot filled of liquid trying to clean it you get stuck

Sometimes if you try cleaning the dishes you get stuck. 

I love this game, and the art style, pixelated games are my number one favorite. This game gives a stress build to me which is really cool. This game also  reminds me when I was a kid I lied to my mother. (Usually she went out shopping, then when she finished she'd call me asking if I cleaned my room, and I would say yes. Yet it was still dirty because I was lazy. )The minute I hung up, I was doing the exact same thing the charecter in game was doing. Although the art style is wonderful. There are alot of bugs, multiple times I got fustrated and just left the game. Still haven't beaten the game due to the amount of bugs.